Friday, May 12, 2006

Blessed Motherhood

Proverbs 31:28-31

The last few verses of Proverbs 31 offer an encouraging message: Women who have submitted to God's plan and yielded to the Spirit's transforming work will reap a plentiful harvest. What does this fruitfulness look like?
Verse 28: "Her children rise up and bless her." What a sweet reward it is for mothers to hear adult children say, "We are grateful for the way you raised us." Some might express thanks for their mother's love and acceptance; others might feel appreciative for discipline, prayers, or lessons about how to follow God. Regardless of the words they use, the impact on Mom will be the same: great joy. Sacrifice and hard work are required to raise children the Lord's way, but such a lifestyle will lead to a place of deep satisfaction.

Verse 28: "Her husband also . . . praises her." Spouses know the best and worst about each other. But when women allow the Spirit to change them, He will also prompt husbands to show honor to their wives.

Verse 30: "A woman who fears the Lord . . . shall be praised." Not only do children and husbands acknowledge a mother's value; so does God. He is pleased when she believes Him, follows His plan, and lives unselfishly.

Verse 31: "Let her works praise her." The Lord will cause others to recognize how godly mothers have lived, serving not only their own families but also people in the community. Their example will inspire others to reach out.

Each acclamation a mother receives becomes an opportunity to testify that the Lord accomplished it all. It is exciting to let one's life testify to Him!


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