Monday, May 29, 2006
Thursday, May 25, 2006
possible monthly meeting date
Sam Bae, wrote: charles,
you are an advisor. don't reply to all. stay in monitoring the activity and observe and give me a comment to me only. your ministry experience will be very helpful to me. otherwise, i have to pull your name off the list.
I wrote: Hey, Sam here is another comment to you only. You make this meeting so important to dicuss about the need's of our church (Hillside Ministry). I think before you call any meeting you should discuss it within the Hillside Leader's Meeting before you call any meeting. If you want to just talk about the ministry's need we could do it over the via e-mail. And yes I will advise you and serve this ministry the best way I know how through God's help but I will not be just an observe. I have much concerns as you do. Just, because I will be in full-time ministry don't mean I am going away from our Hillside Ministry. And yes, when I apply for the part-time minsitry at our church I will not only ask for Love ministry but also College Ministry! I stiil would like to work with College students. Kind of like Hyung has the heart for college ministry. You always tell me that we should let younger people take over well; I agree with you in some ways but someday you sam and hyung will be an Elder of our Hillside Ministry then what are you going to do. As an Elder, not only you have to lead a Cell Group and be involved in Administration and Teaching. Their are two type of Elder's administration and Teaching Elder (which include Pastor's). Also, as a future deacon in Hillside ministry ( the word deacon means to serve it doesn't means to stay out of the ministry. As an Deacon you need to be more active then a College leader, Cell Group leaders. So, don't tell me that we need to pull away from any ministry. I like the sermon on Stop dating the church we should make a committement to the church including serving our Hillside Ministry. So, don't tell me or any one else to step away from the ministry. Otherwise, you'll have less people serviing the church and making a committement for him. Just, look at Elder Kwon's life did he quiet serving God in the church and outside of church. I don't think so. I think Elder Kwon even more busy with Afghanistan/NEI but also as an Elder he still has a committement to this church by showing up to the Elder's Meeting. He don't have to do that but that the committement he made with God and this Church. And yes your right when you say I do have ministry experience, with our group I know what works and what doesn't work. You remember when we had no Pastor. Well, Elder Kwon asked me what I thought about Pastor David, you know what I told him. I told Elder Kwon that Pastor David would be great for our ministry because he has passion for God and Prayer. I believe that why and how Elder Kwon made his discission to have Pastor David come to our church as our Pastor. So, If you just want to talk about the need's of the church let us know what are those needs are? And Just because I give you a comment on what date's is good doesn't give you the right to take my name off the list that is just plan wrong. As a leader you do not want to make a stupid mistake like that trust me and God. Well, I hope i wrote everything that I wanted to say. read it in good health. take care.
From: Charles.
P.S. I guess I left these out when I was writing this! When you wrote the e-mail you sound like someone who own hillside ministry but you don't God is the all time Owner of our ministry. I really believe you should of tell us to pray for the need's of the church before you call any meeting. Prayer should come first then any meeting, sure we talk about it all day about our ministry but it would be better to call a prayer meeting instead of a meeting to talk about the need of the church. I think we should take it before God first Sam. That is what a ture leader would do in a circumstance like this. Oh! Sam don't send an e-mail like this again in the future! Here is what Pastor Paul would tell me often; he would say, Charles you need to the Example in this ministry as a leader. So, Sam we need to be the Example to the Freshmen's and work toward building the Kingdom of God. Have a good day.
Sam's Answer back: good stimulation for the morning, charles!
you are an advisor. don't reply to all. stay in monitoring the activity and observe and give me a comment to me only. your ministry experience will be very helpful to me. otherwise, i have to pull your name off the list.
I wrote: Hey, Sam here is another comment to you only. You make this meeting so important to dicuss about the need's of our church (Hillside Ministry). I think before you call any meeting you should discuss it within the Hillside Leader's Meeting before you call any meeting. If you want to just talk about the ministry's need we could do it over the via e-mail. And yes I will advise you and serve this ministry the best way I know how through God's help but I will not be just an observe. I have much concerns as you do. Just, because I will be in full-time ministry don't mean I am going away from our Hillside Ministry. And yes, when I apply for the part-time minsitry at our church I will not only ask for Love ministry but also College Ministry! I stiil would like to work with College students. Kind of like Hyung has the heart for college ministry. You always tell me that we should let younger people take over well; I agree with you in some ways but someday you sam and hyung will be an Elder of our Hillside Ministry then what are you going to do. As an Elder, not only you have to lead a Cell Group and be involved in Administration and Teaching. Their are two type of Elder's administration and Teaching Elder (which include Pastor's). Also, as a future deacon in Hillside ministry ( the word deacon means to serve it doesn't means to stay out of the ministry. As an Deacon you need to be more active then a College leader, Cell Group leaders. So, don't tell me that we need to pull away from any ministry. I like the sermon on Stop dating the church we should make a committement to the church including serving our Hillside Ministry. So, don't tell me or any one else to step away from the ministry. Otherwise, you'll have less people serviing the church and making a committement for him. Just, look at Elder Kwon's life did he quiet serving God in the church and outside of church. I don't think so. I think Elder Kwon even more busy with Afghanistan/NEI but also as an Elder he still has a committement to this church by showing up to the Elder's Meeting. He don't have to do that but that the committement he made with God and this Church. And yes your right when you say I do have ministry experience, with our group I know what works and what doesn't work. You remember when we had no Pastor. Well, Elder Kwon asked me what I thought about Pastor David, you know what I told him. I told Elder Kwon that Pastor David would be great for our ministry because he has passion for God and Prayer. I believe that why and how Elder Kwon made his discission to have Pastor David come to our church as our Pastor. So, If you just want to talk about the need's of the church let us know what are those needs are? And Just because I give you a comment on what date's is good doesn't give you the right to take my name off the list that is just plan wrong. As a leader you do not want to make a stupid mistake like that trust me and God. Well, I hope i wrote everything that I wanted to say. read it in good health. take care.
From: Charles.
P.S. I guess I left these out when I was writing this! When you wrote the e-mail you sound like someone who own hillside ministry but you don't God is the all time Owner of our ministry. I really believe you should of tell us to pray for the need's of the church before you call any meeting. Prayer should come first then any meeting, sure we talk about it all day about our ministry but it would be better to call a prayer meeting instead of a meeting to talk about the need of the church. I think we should take it before God first Sam. That is what a ture leader would do in a circumstance like this. Oh! Sam don't send an e-mail like this again in the future! Here is what Pastor Paul would tell me often; he would say, Charles you need to the Example in this ministry as a leader. So, Sam we need to be the Example to the Freshmen's and work toward building the Kingdom of God. Have a good day.
Sam's Answer back: good stimulation for the morning, charles!
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Preaching the word of God
For the past two Sunday, I have been given a chance to preach the word of God in Love Ministry (사랑부) to three kids within that ministry. It was a priviliage to share God's word with them and I enjoyed it. I am trying to work on my education so that I could attend most likely attend Fuller Theological Serminary. At the same time I'll be taking classes at Cal State LA to get a MSW (Master in Social Work). I am planning to work after I get my BA in Social Work in the field of Education. I know I'll be happy doing the things that I love for my future Job. I pray that I may fullfill all my desire's from God. I ask myself this question am I getting my message across to these kids or are they not able to process the information I preach to them just because they are Autistic Kids? I wonder if Pastor David ask the same question is he getting his message across to the congerigation after preach the word or are we just walking away without even processing any information given to us on that Sunday afternoon? I wonder?
Friday, May 12, 2006
Blessed Motherhood
Proverbs 31:28-31
The last few verses of Proverbs 31 offer an encouraging message: Women who have submitted to God's plan and yielded to the Spirit's transforming work will reap a plentiful harvest. What does this fruitfulness look like?
Verse 28: "Her children rise up and bless her." What a sweet reward it is for mothers to hear adult children say, "We are grateful for the way you raised us." Some might express thanks for their mother's love and acceptance; others might feel appreciative for discipline, prayers, or lessons about how to follow God. Regardless of the words they use, the impact on Mom will be the same: great joy. Sacrifice and hard work are required to raise children the Lord's way, but such a lifestyle will lead to a place of deep satisfaction.
Verse 28: "Her husband also . . . praises her." Spouses know the best and worst about each other. But when women allow the Spirit to change them, He will also prompt husbands to show honor to their wives.
Verse 30: "A woman who fears the Lord . . . shall be praised." Not only do children and husbands acknowledge a mother's value; so does God. He is pleased when she believes Him, follows His plan, and lives unselfishly.
Verse 31: "Let her works praise her." The Lord will cause others to recognize how godly mothers have lived, serving not only their own families but also people in the community. Their example will inspire others to reach out.
Each acclamation a mother receives becomes an opportunity to testify that the Lord accomplished it all. It is exciting to let one's life testify to Him!
The last few verses of Proverbs 31 offer an encouraging message: Women who have submitted to God's plan and yielded to the Spirit's transforming work will reap a plentiful harvest. What does this fruitfulness look like?
Verse 28: "Her children rise up and bless her." What a sweet reward it is for mothers to hear adult children say, "We are grateful for the way you raised us." Some might express thanks for their mother's love and acceptance; others might feel appreciative for discipline, prayers, or lessons about how to follow God. Regardless of the words they use, the impact on Mom will be the same: great joy. Sacrifice and hard work are required to raise children the Lord's way, but such a lifestyle will lead to a place of deep satisfaction.
Verse 28: "Her husband also . . . praises her." Spouses know the best and worst about each other. But when women allow the Spirit to change them, He will also prompt husbands to show honor to their wives.
Verse 30: "A woman who fears the Lord . . . shall be praised." Not only do children and husbands acknowledge a mother's value; so does God. He is pleased when she believes Him, follows His plan, and lives unselfishly.
Verse 31: "Let her works praise her." The Lord will cause others to recognize how godly mothers have lived, serving not only their own families but also people in the community. Their example will inspire others to reach out.
Each acclamation a mother receives becomes an opportunity to testify that the Lord accomplished it all. It is exciting to let one's life testify to Him!
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Welcome Home

These days, the word "crossover" is hardly a novel thing in the Christian music industry. Only, there aren't many artists who are "crossing over" from the world of mainstream international stardom (and record sales of more than 78 million) into the far humbler world of Christian bookstores and radio. And if they are, it usually seems to be somewhat of a quick nod to fans who share their faith—a momentary diversion meant to round out a discography with a "gospel" album. But to Brian Littrell -- one of the five members of the world-renowned pop group, Backstreet Boys -- it's a longtime dream come true.
Believe it or not, celebrity status definitely wasn't part of the 31-year-old Kentucky native's original plan. Before being asked by his cousin to join a newly-formed group back in 1993, Littrell had planned to enroll in Bible college after high school and go into either youth or music ministry. So, why didn't he? "It's not my timing," Brian says. "It's His." Littrell believes God gave him a mission different from the plans he had as a teenager—to be "salt" in the challenging world of the music industry. Throughout his early Backstreet Boys career, Littrell was the only professing Christian in the group. His strong stand for his beliefs proved to be an anchor and often kept the group from compromising in high-profile situations for the sake of attention or greater popularity. He's always been known for being honest about who he is: "It's no secret. What you see is what you get," Littrell says.
Skeptics might suggest Littrell's entrance into Christian music is merely because the Backstreet Boys' heyday is over. But that's far from the truth. Even after a five-year hiatus, the group's sixth album debuted last year at #3 and enjoyed tremendous international success. Littrell is still busy with the group, but feels his solo debut, Welcome Home (which hit stores on May 2), is the most significant—albeit risky—album of his career. For that reason, he's pouring all he can into the project and upcoming tour. "I really feel like God has led me on a path for the past twelve years to prepare me for this project, to prepare me for things like this," he says. During the Backstreet Boys' long sabbatical, Littrell says each individual dealt with a shift of priorities. For him, becoming a father in 2002 reaffirmed that his music career was hardly the most important part of his life.
Littrell's desire is simply to share his heart in an authentic way that's not condescending. He wants to "change the way people feel about God" by communicating that following Christ is about choosing to live with "love and compassion" and allowing Him to show you the world through His eyes. "I want people to be drawn to what they hear, and that goes for nonbelievers as well as believers," he says. Littrell knows he has an enormous platform. Fans all over the world, who might never walk into a Christian bookstore (which are few and far between in countries such as Japan) to purchase a "worship" CD, are enthusiastically supporting the launch of Welcome Home. They know what to expect. The album follows on the heels of his first solo single, "In Christ Alone," a song Littrell first sang in church fifteen years ago. In this sense, he feels Welcome Home comes full circle for him as it speaks definitively of that which is closest to his heart: his relationship with Jesus Christ. "This is who I am," he says.
The title track of Welcome Home makes it clear Littrell knows who he is and where he belongs. Home, he tells us, isn't fully found so much in the finite elements of life—whether in a place, a career, or even other people. Home is in the presence and the will of your Creator who's always saying:
I will be where you are
And when you come to Me
I will open my arms
Welcome home
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Making an impact in the World
How do we make an impact in the world. It's through giving, serving, and worshiping God till he comes back. On Sunday, Pastor John Dias preached how we should make an impact in this world by bringing ourselves within deep within our soul out. Let's impact the world by sharing our lives with others. When we give you are preaching the gospel of Jesus. So, let give to the work of God and serve him. Let's also contiune to pray for our church, family, and this whole wide world for this week.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Friday, May 05, 2006
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
The Separation of Church and State by David Barton
Letter of Oct. 7, 1801 from Danbury (CT) Baptist Assoc. to Thomas Jefferson,Thomas Jefferson Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Wash. D.C.
President Jefferson's Reply:
Messrs. Nehemiah Dodge, Ephraim Robbins, and Stephen s. NelsonA Committee of the Danbury Baptist Association, in the State of Connecticut.
Washington, January 1, 1802
President Jefferson's Reply:
Messrs. Nehemiah Dodge, Ephraim Robbins, and Stephen s. NelsonA Committee of the Danbury Baptist Association, in the State of Connecticut.
Washington, January 1, 1802
Gentlemen,--The affectionate sentiment of esteem and approbation which you are so good as to express towards me, on behalf of the Danbury Baptist Association, give me the highest satisfaction. My duties dictate a faithful and zealous pursuit of the interests of my constituents, and in proportion as they are persuaded of my fidelity to those duties, the discharge of them becomes more and more pleasing.
Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legislative powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature would "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church and State. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties.
I reciprocate your kind prayers for the protection and blessing of the common Father and Creator of man, and tender you for yourselves and your religious association, assurances of my high respect and esteem.
Th JeffersonJan. 1. 1802 * A cite for this letter could read:Thomas Jefferson, The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Albert E. Bergh, ed.
Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legislative powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature would "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church and State. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties.
I reciprocate your kind prayers for the protection and blessing of the common Father and Creator of man, and tender you for yourselves and your religious association, assurances of my high respect and esteem.
Th JeffersonJan. 1. 1802 * A cite for this letter could read:Thomas Jefferson, The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Albert E. Bergh, ed.