Thursday, May 18, 2006

Preaching the word of God

For the past two Sunday, I have been given a chance to preach the word of God in Love Ministry (사랑부) to three kids within that ministry. It was a priviliage to share God's word with them and I enjoyed it. I am trying to work on my education so that I could attend most likely attend Fuller Theological Serminary. At the same time I'll be taking classes at Cal State LA to get a MSW (Master in Social Work). I am planning to work after I get my BA in Social Work in the field of Education. I know I'll be happy doing the things that I love for my future Job. I pray that I may fullfill all my desire's from God. I ask myself this question am I getting my message across to these kids or are they not able to process the information I preach to them just because they are Autistic Kids? I wonder if Pastor David ask the same question is he getting his message across to the congerigation after preach the word or are we just walking away without even processing any information given to us on that Sunday afternoon? I wonder?


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